Muli Ben-Yehuda's journal

June 6, 2003

s/advogato/livejournal/ ?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Muli Ben-Yehuda @ 10:24 PM

Why do I have a livejournal? I have a diary on advogato (, and have had it for a long time. However, I don’t feel quite as comfortable with advogato as I used to, and there’s not enough sense of community. The purpose of this livejournal “blog” (I hate that word with a passion) is, quite simply, to allow me to be silly. To write about things that couldn’t possibly interest anyone except me, and to allow me to write spontaneusly. Also, being able to read various interesting journals through the ‘friends’ page is a killer feature.

“Blogger – someone who would rather write ‘I was there’ than actually be there”.

my day

Filed under: Uncategorized — Muli Ben-Yehuda @ 10:17 PM

Typical (?) vacation day – I didn’t do much. Finished going over the gcc proceedings (, but that’s about it in the realm of productive stuff to do. Didn’t make any progress on Unix Internals, nor on The World of Mathematics. I guess I just wasn’t in a reading mood. No code written, too, and no work out. At least I haven’t gone over board with food, and am still within the confines of my diet. As a matter of fact, I should go eat something now.

I wonder if entries need to be formatted as HTML… let’s check.

is this thing working?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Muli Ben-Yehuda @ 9:30 PM

Trying to post via ljupdate… let’s see if this thing is on.

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